Coming off of a 2nd Place Finish at USS Nationals in June, I'm now in an off-season hypertrophy phase for the next 12 weeks. My programming is based off of John Meadows Mountain Dog Training with a slight strength emphasis.


-Overall great training day.

-I got a really good pump.

- I can tell a noticeable difference in my physique in the past year. Nothing crazy, just a little bigger and a little leaner.

-I'm enjoying the hypertrophy work for a change of pace.



A. Strict Log Press






B. 1-Arm DB Laterals

4 sets of 8 w/35s


C. Cable Machine Reverse Flyes

4 sets of 12 on setting 2


D. DB 6-Ways

4 sets of 10 w/10s


E. Deficit Push Ups

28, 16, 12


F. Straight Bar Pressdown

Setting 8 x 20

Setting 9 x 20

Setting 10 x 20

Setting 11 x 20 - w/10 second iso hold on last rep half way through ROM


G. Pronated Kickbacks

3 sets of 10 w/15s


H. Tate Presses

35s x 10

40s x 10

40s x 10