Coming off of a 2nd Place Finish at USS Nationals in June, I'm now in an off-season hypertrophy phase for the next 12 weeks. My programming is based off of John Meadows Mountain Dog Training with a slight strength emphasis.


-This session felt really good.

-I got a good pump in my traps and back.

-Rest was 1 minute on everything except chin ups and Yates rows.

-Rest was 90 seconds on those.



DB Shrugs

3 sets of 20 w/90s


Barbell Shrugs

3 sets of 20 @ 275#


Chin Ups

15, 12, 10, 8


Suitcase Row

1 set of 8 at 50#

1 set of 8 at 60#

2 sets of 8 at 70#


Yates Row

3 sets of 8 @ 245#


Inverted Row

4 sets of 8