I'm taking the next 12+ weeks off from strongman events and training primarily for hypertrophy with a slight strength emphasis. I'm in my "off-season" and looking to put on some size over the upcoming months and into next year. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my programming.


A1. Straight Bar Pressdowns

4 sets of 30 on setting 9


A2. Standing DB Curl (Palms supinated, both arms at once)

4 sets of 20 w/25s


B1. Rope Pressdowns

4 sets of 30 on setting 6


B2. Reverse Curls

4 sets of 20 w/55#


C1. Single Arm DB Preacher Curl

4 sets of 12 w/25# DB


C2. Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension

4 sets of 15 w/30# DB