I'm taking the next 12+ weeks off from strongman events and training primarily for hypertrophy with a slight strength emphasis. I'm in my "off-season" and looking to put on some size over the upcoming months and into next year. I'm working with teammate Mike Mastell on my programming.

This morning I had a break in my schedule I typically don't have. I had a client out of town so I squeeze my training in there instead of the afternoon like usual. I didn't really want to train that early (8am), but it was best for my own time management for the day. So I drank a coffee around 7 and my pre-workout around 7:30. Needless to say by 8am I was ready to go.


A. Banded Good Mornings

3 sets of 15 w/pro average band


B. Pause Deadlifts (Pause below the knee for 2s on each rep)

135x5 - No pause

225x5 - No pause





495x3, then 7 more reps with no pause. 10 total reps.


C. Yates Row






D1. Wide Grip Lat Pull Downs

3 sets of 15 on setting 12


D2. Straight Arm Rope Pulldowns

3 sets of 12 on setting 9


E. Zottman Curls

4 sets of 12 w/20s