After squats with Marshall on Saturday...

Monday Bench

Bench 415-435-455-475 x2
back down 455 3x2
CG pauses 415 3x3
Fatbell row band resisted 3x15
Tricep ext light 3x20
Band pull aparts 100 reps


After 3 weeks of incline work, I'll go back to 3 weeks of flat bench. The goal is to hammer out some technique under 'heavy' weight while working on speed. I worked up to 475 for a double and it was slower than I wanted, so I dropped it down to 455 and was more comfortable with how they were moving. I don't use a tendo and I don't go by feel. I film most sets and judge them based off of past training cycles. This is the beauty of technology plus intuition.  We all have those days where something feels like it's slow and heavy but you watch the film (or even a training partner tells you) and it's moving better than it felt. The key becomes merging that feeling with what your body is actually doing, then you know right away where you're at on that particular training day.


Wednesday and Thursday I felt like dog shit. I'm not sure why exactly, but I decided to push training back to Friday.

Sumo DL 600x5, 645x5
Snatch grip RDL 265-375-485 3x8
Sumo chair DL 265 3x5
Speed bench 185 +2 chains 8x3
Barbell push ups 100 reps
Front and lat raise


So I combined my deadlift session with speed bench. It went well, and it was a calculated decision knowing that my training partners and gym members were headed to Cleveland for a UPA meet at Old School Iron on Saturday.