Something to think about, why do you train?
It is because you've always have? And found out why you love training later? That's me.
i see how much things have changed just in the last decade with why people train and it isn't all bad but it also is not all good either.
What I see is an evolution of popularity of training and being fit to wear little to know clothing for attention. Recently my clients have brought this to my attention to why the hate going to the gym its because of the attention seeking women and men out there that make everyone else uncomfortable.
What I tell my clients is to pay no attention to those that are seeking it. Focus on you and why you came here. So you can have a stronger body and mind, believe you are the only one here. No one else cares, they are all into themselves and not worrried about what your doing.
I'm motivated by my clients honesty keeping my head on straight. Do I wear little to no clothing sometimes , absolutely but I was raised in a gym as this is completely normal and is not why I train at all. I am close to 200 pounds this is not a fit chick here, strong YES, small , grainy, flat, with a million veins NO.
Train for you and no one else.
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