I love the camel "hump day" commercial. Gives me the belly laughs every time!
Squat Session:
Warm up:
- Active hip circles
- Glute bridges
- Stretch
- 2 sets of quad sets ( contraction of quad for 2 seconds and releasing helping the muscles around my knee to hold my knee caps in place.)
Exercise 1:
Box Squats - working sets
- 135x5
- 155x5
- 165x2x5 (165 was the goal of the day)
Tried to get all my sets recorded but of course it ended prematurely.
Exercise 2&3
Goodmornings and reverse hypers 4 sets
Exercise 4
Farmers walk 50lb per hand 5 sets 1min rest between sets.
Abs work: 50 continuous sit UPS , 50 continuous lying leg raises
Interval cardio training: manual treadmill 15 seconds on and off 10 rounds.
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