During my peaking the way I run it over 5 weeks looks like the following:

*Week 1 is 3rm testing on all lifts with no accessories
-Monday squat
-Wednesday Bench
-Friday Deadlift
-Saturday Bodybuilding upper

*day 1 Week 2-4 is squats followed by deadlift (2x2) starting at 80% week 2 and ending with 85%

*Day 2 Week 2-4 is heavy squats and bench (2x1) starting at 90% ending at 100% of calculated 3RM done the week previous

*Day3 Week 2-4 is heavy deadlift (2x1) starting at 90% ending at 100% of calculated 3RM done the week previous

*Day 4 Week 2-4 Bench (2x2) starting at 80% week 2 and ending with 85%

*Week 5

Monday all lifts 5x1: 60%
Wednesday all lifts 3x4: 30%
Saturday: MEET DAY