5 Weeks Out from XPC Finals @ The Arnold Classic
Saturday I met Mario and Bryan at the elitefts compound to do our 1st of a 3-week circa max wave before we deload and enter into the meet. The plan was to do 5x2 with 3 average bands and a light band per side, but after a few sets Dave came over and wanted us to pick up the pace and push the sets harder. We then went on a rotation of adding weight/bands and doing doubles and singles every 20-30 seconds while Dave repeatedly reminded us how big of pussies we were being. It had to have been pretty funny to watch - It was a great session and the takeaway for me was that I need to work on channeling my aggressiveness better while doing the lift but still make sure as I'm descending in the squat I remain focused and controlled.
In general it was a good reminder for us that we need to really dig in during circa max and push our limits harder. Circa max should be so tough it makes squatting on the platform feel easy, and we need to get better at fighting through fatigue and be able to get in the zone to get a lift no matter how we feel. 2 more weeks and plenty of work to do. Afterwords Dave said that the compound is too big and what we really need is to put a rack in a cage so that way we "have no where to run".
A. Standing Ab Pulldown Warm-Up - 3x20
B. ShouldeRok Swings - 2x12 each side
C. Box Squats in Metal Jack Suit (straps down) - we weren't keeping track but I'd have to guess we did around 10-12 doubles and 5-6 singles up to 315 + 3 average bands + light band per side
D. GHR (right away, kept suit on) - 4x5
E. Reverse Hypers (light) - 3x15
F. Standing Ab Pulldown (heavy) - 3x10
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