APF Nationals - Michigan June 12


FINALLY, I get to test if I figured anything out with my grip issues, setup change, and how all of that affects my crooked back! I would be lying if I said I was not looking forward to this day but also nervous.  Over the last 6 months, I have gone from taking  650 for 3 to not being able to hold onto 550 for a single regardless of bar, grip, or stance.



I have taken a huge step back from not just deadlifting, but from how I programmed my prep in general. I found a lot of holes and shortcomings in the program and exercise prescription for myself. Do I think I fixed all of them currently, nope, but I do feel I addressed some serious issues. The ironic part is I was against the deadlift setup I am currently doing, but my issue with it was having lifters do it making them unstable, whereas, if done properly, it can set you up for success IF DONE PROPERLY.



The dive bomd set-up for the deadlift. Why was I against it? Simple, there are a ton of moving parts going on here and if you are teaching a beginner/intermediate a technical movement with lots of moving parts you just overcomplicated everything. This has a tendency to regress someone from making huge strides in the deadlift, I will admit right now if I tried this setup over the last few years it would have been a disaster because I was not patient enough. I needed to get injured and have all the issues brought to my attention before learning the proper use of the setup and how to bring it all together.

Am I efficient at this setup, nope not yet, I have only been doing it for a few months and the majority of those reps were on speed days. This is literally the 3rd time I've deadlifted heavy this meet prep and things are working but my deadlift still isn't at 650 for 3. This will take time but the fact I can pull 585 + 6 chains and hold onto it with no slipping then FAIL at 635 + 6 chains and not have any slipping grip issues I call a huge win


Day 3

Speed SSB Box Squat (all way down 1 grey) 8x2: 45% (265) + 6 chains

Max Deads + 6 chains Max Single 585 + 6 chains

Reverse Hypers 100 swings



