APF Nationals - Michigan June 12


We are close enough to meet day where openers have been written down and today is the day we see if they are accurate. The weight moved well, had an issue sitting back far enough by the time I got into the hole.


When peak time starts and we are actually taking attempts in the gym my brain goes spastic and I overthink EVERYTHING. These next 4 weeks are where I need the most amount of growth mentally.



Squatting in wraps against sleeves ARE NOT equal. The movement itself is similar but not the same. I'll argue till I'm blue in the face that the movement pattern and hinging pattern, although similar, HAVE TO CHANGE when you put wraps on to utilize them better. You will see I sit back less when the wraps get put on, then on my top set, I don't sit back far enough and my hips shoot back in the hole


ME Squats (wrapped): 610

