APF Nationals - Michigan June 12


Fantastic bench day, the weight felt solid and so did my body! At no point in time did I ever think the weight was too heavy or that I was going to get out of position. We had the pleasure of hosting Team EliteFTS Teammate Dan Dalenburger who is also prepping for his meet. I was Benching my opener and I think he was ripping his deadlift opener or second attempt the same day. Regardless, it was an awesome day, music was loud, tons of yelling but at the same time private as the gym was not crowded at all.


My last warm up my wrist wrap came off and there was no turning back. Mentally, I was set on finishing the rep and the weight was not scary, this was a hurdle that I was not expecting and a win for me mentally with all the other things I worry about during bench.


Every rep during this period needs to be attempted to be the same, from the empty bar all the way up. Mentally I want the bar to feel like my last attempt for the day. As I mentioned in Wk 6 day 1, my mental focus during these last few weeks is a struggle for me and the way today went was a boost. Will that be the same next week, probably not and that will be the fight I will take when it presents itself to me. Wasting energy on worrying about these things have taken me under before, now that I am more conscious of them I may stand a chance.


ME Bench: 365

Cable Rear Delts 2x20:

Paloff Presses 2x12:


