APF Nationals - Michigan June 12
HA, so taking the phrase, "you should be able to hit your opener even when your sick" to a whole new level. I literally fell into this category this morning.
3 weeks ago at the women's pro-am, I had a gnarly cough, pretty sure upper respiratory infection, I sounded awful. I was the typical guy and never got anything for it or checked out. After 2 weeks of misery it "went away" only to return one week later. Squatting Monday made it hit my body really hard the next 2 days as I'm sure my CNS was beaten up, all morning I was coughing and was about to call it on the bench. For some reason, I didn't and used Inhale to get through this max effort movement. THE SECOND I racked this top set I laughed and said I was going to the walk-in clinic.
Training while sick is not the smartest thing to do, this is one of those, "signs the body is telling you that your sick". The longer I do this crap, sometimes, the longer it takes me to learn. After walking out of the rest of my training session and going to the clinic was informed that I did, in fact, have a virus that was an upper respiratory infection but that it had progressed and, "you are about 12 hrs away from bronchitis". If I would have reached that point 5 weeks out from a meet how dumb would that have been, what then REALLY is it worth, id have thrown away weeks of training.
Live, Learn, Pass On, right? So don't be an idiot and follow along with those "hardcore dudes" who push, push, push through anything. Think about the damage you are doing to your body with lack of recovery and constantly NOT allow your body to repair itself. To go along with the current program name, "What's It Worth", ill tell you, It is worth nothing if this makes your life outside of the gym miserable what really is it worth.
Now if you are going for world records, elite totals, or top 10 spots in weight classes will change your definition oWhat's It Worth". You will be willing to sacrifice more, but that is for another post.
ME Bench + Double Thin Orange Max Single: 350
Spotto Press + 2 count pause 2x5:
Leg Press Bent Over Rows 3x12:
Cable Rear Delts 2x20:
Paloff Presses 3x12: