APF Nationals - Michigan June 12


What a relief, this is the last speed bench day before the meet, this means I am going to have more time to recover and not wake up so early in the morning on Saturday to get work in.



Lots of external factors taking their tolls on me outside of the gym currently. We are having A LOT of house issues , go figure right after I make a video regarding all the good stuff, which will be covered in a later video after the meet. Long story short we are not living in our house currently and crashing my in-laws.



You will hear me talk about poor reps in today's training, all things considered, I was pretty stoked to be able to even get in the gym. Looking back at the videos the weight moved well and that's about all I could as for today. I was not slow, my lockouts were lazy, if I had to get onto myself about anything it would be inconsistency with reps



Day 4

Speed Bench 10x3 40% (155) + 4 chains

Neutral DB Bench 3x12

Push - ups 3x15:

Kneeling Anti Rotation Press


