APF Nationals - Michigan June 12


Probably By far the most relieving and productive day this entire training session that came right before the meet. Post-injury during my last peaking phase and starting rehab this training block I had very little hope. My mindset, although positive, was a glass half empty and the struggle of getting my deadlift to feel "stable" and good enough to hold onto the bar was diminishing as my attmept at hook grip was not going great.  Speed work has been going REALLY well but nothing near heavy enough to see if my back would strain or my grip would hold. 2 weeks ago there was a bright light beaming from the end of the tunnel as I failed but never felt as though I was going to lose my grip nor did my back hurt, and now today, where I had no issues whatsoever except my second attempt feeling really heavy.



Injuries never have to be a setback, I almost let this "injury" allow me to lose something I hold very dear to me in this sport and that is the main reason I titled this training block "what's it worth". In the end, I do hope I can put together a solid meet, and regardless of the outcome I know I made large strides FIXING  mechanical deficiencies that caused me to get injured. This can be looked at as a gift, I am not the first person to view an injury as a gift, this entire process has made me a better coach.



second attempt deads

