Not feeling much like training lately, not sure if it is depression or boredom, either way I have to find a way to fight through and kick my own ass into gear.

Tonight I invited a friend to train with me, thank you Carri for getting me motivated. Sometimes it just takes a little fuel on the fire, a training partner, a shoulder to cry on or someone to encourage you. Whatever it takes when injured you have to find it, just like I did.

Started with my second round of Physio for the day, see my 2 month update log for my shoulder injury. 

Warm up was 2 sets of 20 sit-ups on the GHR

Belt Squats 4 Plates

10/10/10/23 (burn out set was a grunter)

GHR 10/10/15

GHR Ladders 4 stage progression x 5 = 20 GHR 2 Rounds

GHR Situps 25/25/25 with a 5 second plank hold every 5 reps

Earlier today I did a bunch of 18 Kg Kettlebell swing combo's, testing out the new 10 K, 30 day swing challenge for Autism.

 Helping Carri today was also satisfying, although I was jealous she was doing lat pull downs, oh how I miss those. Although I love living, learning passing on I am getting bored with my training and have to remember Rome wasn't built in a day, I will soon become that Strong(her) person I used to be.

#livelearnpasson #driven #nevergiveup #teamelitefts #teamoutlaws