So at this point I will take a minimum of two weeks off, a maximum of six weeks, or somewhere in between. I am planning to qualify for the Arnold at the Lexen XXX meet in December, and then likely compete at the Arnold.

I will talk to some fellow 220/242 lifters and see what the plans are because I need to get back to a raw competition that means something- which to me would be the Arnold, LA Fit Expo, Boss of Bosses, and I'm sure I'm forgetting one or two. And by 'means something' I mean where the best of the best plan to compete.

Personally I want to hit some numbers like this over the next couple of years, including a 900lb squat and 600lb bench:

2100 in sleeves at 242 (2016/early '17) at current body weight [240-245]

2200 raw w/ wraps at 220 (2017) at 235-240 for an easy water cut

2300 raw w/ wraps at 242 (2018) at 250-260 for an easy water cut