It's a great time of year if you are one who likes excuses. So many more reasons to not take care of yourself. You stop training, so many reasons to eat crap, tis the season.
When your excuses become more than a real reason to stop training then it's time to re-evaluate, where were you before, how far did you come and if you stop for too long how much harder is it going to be when and if you start back up again ?
This is my top ten excuse list to fit the holiday season, how many apply to you and what are you going to do about it ? I get frustrated at the number of excuses as a coach.
1. Too Busy, not enough time. (Shopping, baking, wrapping, parties etc. Everyone is in the same Christmas boat you are, you will make time if it's important to you. Your health should be priority especially in this busy stressful season, no better time to take care of yourself.)
2. I'm too Tired. ( Go to bed earlier, organize your time better, there is always that half hour or for some up to 2-3 hours a day wasted watching TV or scrolling through Facebook)
3. I'm sick. ( Sick with what ? don't want to train flu ? unless you are puking, shitting or dying, training will probably help sweat out any sickness or cold)
4. Too Lazy, busy day at work. (Everyone is busy, works and trains but you can be a couch potato then and stop wasting your coach or instructors time, go all in or quit.
5. My Body is Sore ( No shit Sherlock, the longer you don't use your muscles the sorer they will become, soon all your gains become pains, take a tylenol and get over it, it probably hurts because it's seized up)
6. It gets dark too early. (Your car has headlights, just because it's dark when you get out of work doesn't mean you have to go to bed at 5 p.m.)
7. Hands are sore. (If you are a kettlebell lifter your hands are gonna hurt suck it up buttercup or do something else)
8. I'm too far behind. ( This is classical, what do you mean too far behind ? who yourself ? your in competition with nobody and you are far behind yourself because you choose the lazy route, not training)
9. Too early. ( You committed to the class initially, 6 a.m. is always 6 a.m., again, go to bed earlier)
10. Can't afford it. (Ok, there will always be a way in any budget or with any coach to find a way, another phoney excuse)
These are the Top Ten excuses I hear on a daily basis, some are true some are not. In the end an excuse is really a justification. Whatever you need to tell yourself you don't want to go to class, go to the gym, train, workout or just get your ass off the couch.
Get rid of cable T.V. see how much free time you will have, set a goal, train with a partner, friend or relative to keep accountable. Keep a log, track your progress, everyone likes a P.R. How do you ever know if you get better if you don't keep track, unless you have a good memory.
Most of all, stop making these or other excuses if you are passionate about something you will make it work. Heath should be important to everyone and you should be a leading example for your family.
Eventually your coach will just throw in the towel. Their time is important too.
Inspire someone today, to be inspired you need to be inspiring.
#passiontrumpseverything #driven #strongher #livelearnpasson