You see it so much these days, everyone following the latest fads, clothing, shoes, wrist wraps, methods, etc. I'll try my best not to rant in the midst of this; I'm hoping for once to reach some people and steer them in the right direction. With all the shit I talk about powerlifting, there are some untapped monsters out there so here goes nothing.
It is great when someone gets an itch to get under the bar. I remember my first time, and when that fire starts to smolder, I reflect back on why I started this. Now the difference is this, instead of reading, training and learning how biomechanics, and mentality play into this sport these newbies jump online order four hundred dollars worth of fresh "powerlifting gear" no not a metal bench shirt, something more donut related. I will not rant I will not rant.
These same people post on videos; "what kind of shoes are those?" or "where did you get those wrist wraps?" I hate to break it to you that guys squat wasn't because of his shoes and that girls bench wasn't because of her brand of wrist wraps. Let's do a "simple theoretical science project," If I put on some Jordans will I be able to dunk? FUCK NO! When it comes to using clothes as a walking stick to help lean on in your journey, you should stop caring.
You see these same people on the "what program is cool train" as well. If the Lil JP Carroll's thug life training block systems ever get some steam going, you'll see all the under 400-pound squatters giving up their cash quick with dreams of adding 300 pounds to their total because some outlier did, so that alone is proof enough the system works. No studying, no understanding why they are doing what they are doing other the someone else did it, and it worked. Then as soon as the newbie gains halt and those feelings of confusion come rushing in like a waterfall of what the fucks over the top of their heads, then only maybe they would stop caring.
One last thing I'll mention is equipment, and I'll preface this by saying I believe bands, specialty bars, boxes, chains, etc. DO have their place in training. Ok, now that I said that I hardly doubt most of the kids/newbies using them are using them correctly or even know why they are using them other than someone stronger than them that they follow uses them. I've never used a band, a chain, a box or anything. If a weakness ever arises, and I choose to use them, I will know why I'm using them, how I'm using them, and it damn sure won't be because it looks cool or because I saw someone else do it. Only when I stopped caring and "did me" did I get strong.
I hope this saves someone a lot of time, by letting them know consistency is the only common dominator in progress. No shirt, No shoes, fuck I want to say no service, but no particular piece of equipment will be the determining factor. Nothing will be responsible for your growth but you and your dedication. It's hard work; it sucks, ain't shit sweet this is powerlifting, not raw honey.
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