2018 APF/AAPF IL Raw Power Challenge 12-15-18


Thus far this training block the bench movements we have implemented (not in order) have looked like this.

Cambered Bar
Close grip board press
Floor Press
fat gripz
swiss bar floor press

Today we went with a, wider than normal, bench press hand position. This is going to recruit more shoulder and chest, which I lack, compared to my lats. I feel I rely heavily on my lats in the bench press, so much so, that my prime movers are not carrying their weight. I felt every ounce of this on the anterior side of my body. I could tell I was fighting the entire time to get this in my lats. This struggle reaffirmed it was a good variation for me to do, not that max effort work needs to train "weaknesses", more so allowing me to test if my accessory movements on an upper day have been being trained properly. 360 is 15lbs off my last 3rd attempt in my most recent meet, to move that weight in a "weak position" potentially shows me my accessory work has been correct.