Taking things moderately on bench actually felt good. There was minor discomfort in my right shoulder which I am not 100% sure where that is coming from but was able to do the work. I could feel it more when I got out of position which was a good, but bad, cue to let me know I was f'ing up. Tempo on bench really allowed me to focus on proprioception, after my 9 weeks of "bodybuilding style training" I was able to feel contractions mush harder since the tension during the tempo was kept.
Bench 3x5: 295
Tempo Bench (3-1-3) 3x10: 185
Close Grip Shoulder Saver 5x10: 225
Straight bar press downs 3x10: 120
Chain Flies 3x10: 3 chains
Assisted Pull ups (Wide, Chin-up, Neutral) EACH POSITION 5x8: 57 assist