I wrote this into the NBS powerlifting teams program originally with the EliteFTS green bands, the feedback as that it was "too heavy". I did not feel they were so I just thought they were being babies about it. Well, you won't see in this video but tomorrows bench session how I did not have every variable the same as them to come to a proper conclusion about "too much band tension". Everything moved well today and I was feeling pretty good, as a medium day should!
*Safety Squat Bar (SSB) - 5’s negatives 3x4: 335 + Double blue
*Wide Stance SSB High Box Squats - 3’s negatives 3x8: 335
*45 Degree Hypers with barbell in hand 3x8, hold for 3 sec at the top of each lift: 75,95,115
*A1: Reverse Hypers 3x12: 180
*A2: Seated Band Abductions 3x20: blue
*A3: Single Leg Squats onto bench 3x10: each leg BW