What an adventure coming up to the compound. Every time I come here I learn something, this time it was an overload of information to apply to my powerlifting and my career as a strength coach. All which is invaluable, I have not had hands on coaching for some time now and Dave tore me and my training partners apart when it came to our squat setup with breathing. This just goes to show even elite level athletes can always be working on something bettering themselves.


A lot of good times were had on our trip, along with a bunch of trouble. What do you expect when you put a group of 6 powerlifters together on a mini vacation to one of the meccas of powerlifting? I will tell you, lots of laughs, food, and sleeping




I would like to pour out my appreciation to Dave Tate, he put off his whole mid morning early afternoon to come into he S4 Compound and coach five of my training partners and myself on squat and deadlift. It was the most amount of help I have personally received during my training in quit some time. To add to that, he gave me a bunch of helpful advice to apply towards my career as a strength coach and personal trainer!


Sheena Leedham, for scheduling and finalizing plans for this trip making my life so much easier to plan. The outline for the interview which allows me to use the platform EliteFTS has given me and extend my reach as an up and coming strength coach and personal trainer in this industry!

Josh Goedker, for also constructing the interview and literally creating it capturing information and my personality in a way that everyone can see, as a coach and athlete. He is extremely gifted and it is extremely exciting to look forward to a video being put out with you in the interview!

I am completely humbled to be a part of this company, it is surreal and I value everything this company and the individual staff (EVERYONE all the way up to the owner) has done for me in the short time I have been an athlete. It has been consistent far before this, EliteFTS has been involved in my development as a lifter and coach since I came into this field with the content being put out and seminars being held. It is now my turn to continue what has been taught to me and teach others which I am overly excited to do. Live, Learn, and Pass On!
