2018 APF/AAPF IL Raw Power Challenge 12-15-18
With medium days the end up always feeling crappy for me after the first week of implementing them. The only explanation for this that I can think of is I am still beat down from the ME deadlifts that happen 3 days prior and this beat down lasts for 4 weeks. So, for 3 weeks straight these days get 5% heavier and I am beaten to crap more every week. Today my first set of squats felt terrible and my second felt great, the deadlift is where everything fell apart (again) and made my mind up to skip max effort deadlifts Friday and just do accessory work.
You can see in the video the obvious muscular differences in my back during set up and where I am not contracting my lats properly on my right side prior to pulling. This is due to overthinking and from an inefficient setup. Julia noticed it with a shirt on, took the shirt off to see it more clearly. Not much for changing things now but lots to work on with activation and setup after the meet. I have also been having some lower back irritation and thought it was SI joint stuff. After doing all the typical SI joint fixes I was on a lacrosse ball and found a really gnarly spot DEEP in my glute max / Med-ish area. Went through hip flexion and extension while on it and it helped drastically. That was done AFTER this session so hopefully, it will aid me in getting into a more comfortable position for squat AND deadlift. The last ailment is adductor that still to this day bothers me from straining it over 6 months ago. Dave always mentioned adductor strains/tears are the most painful and annoying thing to come back from if you ever fully heal it.