Been working with Casey Williams remotely on my bench setup and form for a little over a month. I am overly comfortable now with setup and stabilizing the weight. I also have been working with our massage therapist Yvonna and sports therapist Tyrell at the NBS facility to combat the lat / tricep issues I have been having keeping me from training under a straight bar for squats. This issue has haunted me for over a year now and this is the first time training with a straight bar this far out from a meet both the squat and bench with no major ailments. Today was a medium day so we had 4x3 with a 3 second negative on the menu.
*Competition Bench, 4x3 w/3 sec negative
*Neutral DB Bench Press
*Tsunami Bar Pulldowns
*Side Raises with 3 count negative, super set with band pull a part
*Hammer Strength Low Row
*Single Arm Grenade Ball Press Downs