Soooooo three years ago I bulged 2 discs in my lumbar doing Isometric pin pulls (conventional). Well, yet again, I ended up doing the same thing but sumo this time, I do not think the injury is anything like last time, I do not need a belt to walk, sit, ect. I have been fortunate enough that I have been able to sleep but I am going to take it easy the next week and do a lot of hanging and traction to make this a quick turn around time. This incident was my own fault as I was taking too long and hurried my last set, was not paying attention, not bracing and just mindlessly lifting. Lesson learned, not squatting Monday for sure.
*Cambered Bar - 3 second Pause 3x4: 60% + Double green: 335-335-365(oops)
*Cambered Bar GM Squats - 3’s Pause - 3x8: 245
*Iso Pin Pulls (3-5 seconds) Low shin - 3x6: 265 ( Bulged Disc?)
*45 Degree Hyper - with band - 3 x 10, then drop band, max with BW: skip
*Narrow Stance Hack Squat 3x10: Skip
*Stir the Pot (Stability Ball) 3x15: Hurt to do