Has anyone ever heard of a Widow-maker Set? This is the closest I have ever gotten to trying one and I won't be mad if I never experience it again. Although the program says drop set, I refuse to call it that, I think by the end I hit 21-25 reps at this straight weight (excluding chains). I actually bitched out and stopped after taking my third drop set and collapsed for roughly 3-5 minutes, I then finished the last 2 sets. Part of me wishes I did the whole thing threw but the majority of me is glad I did not, lol.
Safety Bar Squat with 3-4 set of chain–Work up in sets of 5 until it starts to get difficult. After you hit your hard 5 rep set, drop the bar weight by 20%. We are going to do a drop set but we will drop a set of chain every 3-5 reps. Example:
sets working up then,
385+4 chain is your heavy set…. Take 20% off… and begin drop set
335+4 chain x5 reps
335+3 chain x5 reps
335+2 chain x3 reps
4 min collapse
255+1 chain x5 reps
355x 3
Hack squat – 4x10, keep rest to 1 minute : 225
SSB Split squats, front foot elevated – 4x12 each: 85
DB 1.5 stiff leg deads – 3x10 (go all the way down to mid shin, then only come half way up to knees, then back down, then all the way up to lockout…. That equals 1 rep): 40-50-60
Seated Strap rows – 3x12-15: 90