Saturday's have become crazy busy for me after the new year with cardio starting in the morning and clients going straight through till 2pm! I am drained to say the least, it did not aid me either that my adductor was in pain due to yesterdays deadlifts. This lead to me getting worked on by our sports therapist for a freaking hour after my last client. By the time I was done I just needed to buckle down and fly through the workout, luckily to was a light day and my last accessories had one high rep set.

DE- Incline Press 2x8: 235
Bench, Wide Grip, Feet Up, 3’s Pause 1x12: 215
Barbell Row’s 2x12: 175
A1) Tricep Pushdown’s 1x20: 140
A2) One Arm KB / FB Row 1x20: 80