Been waiting on this day for a month now, I have not seen some of these team members in upwards of a year! It is a blessing to have someone like Dave Tate willing to go above and beyond to bring us all together at times to train with one another and develop our skills.

As mentioned in Wk6 Day3 I flip flopped days so I could actually do something somewhat "cool" for the media crew at the UGSS event. Ironically the main part of my training was done before the media crew was even up and running, this tells you I was not going heavy enough, lol.

I already knew my training days were "light" compared to the rest of the freaks that came out to train. I was sharing a room with JP Carroll, Ben Pollock, and Joe Sullivan who have warm up sets greater than my meet maxes (literally). My goal was not to lift crazy but to help these pro lifters as much as I could brining support, atmosphere, and safety to them while lifting.

I was unable to get any footage of my deadlift workout on this day cause there was so much other stuff going on that I was interested in other than my own training lol but here it is in writing.

Deadlift, Stiff Bar, Conventional, 3x5: 495
Warm up with some sumo
Snatch Grip Deadlift (50%) 2x10: 345
Side Plank 2x25’s: skip
DB Glute Bridge 3’s hold 3x12: Skip
A1) Sit-ups Slow Eccentric 2x12: Skip
A2) Goblet Reverse Lunge 2x12: 30lbs