Day 2
Pushups – 3x15: BW
Duffalo bar bench – work up to 3x3 (305)
then drop down and do 2x10: 235
DB bench, mechanical drop set – 4x5/5/5 (5 incline, drop down one hole and do 5 more, then drop the bench to flat and do 5 more: 70-70-80-80
Chain fly/press combo – 3x8 each (this time do 8 flyes first, then 8 presses): 3 sets of chain
DB seated laterals – 4x8 heavy: 25
superset with
Reverse pec deck w/ bands – 3x15 hold and squeeze hard on each. Keep traps down. Focus on rear delts, not rhomboids so much (attach micro mini around the back of the machine to give a little more tension on end range): 20-30-30-40
Mag pulldowns – 3x10, drop set last set: 140: 120-100