Finally was able to find a "temporary fix" for the shoulder. we concluded that the humerus head was shifting forward and a little old reset trick instantly made discomfort and "pain" go away. Now I still felt as though the weight was trying to shit into shoulders during bench but, part of me feels that was just my head, or soreness from it being out of position for an extended period of time. Will be talking to therapist about what compensations are happening which is causing my humeral head to shift.
*Duffalo Bar, reverse band, pause for 1 count 2x2: 375
*Feet up Bench 2x12: 225
*SSB JM Press 2x12: 155
*DB Rows 2x12: 105 - 90
*Pull-ups 2x12: BW
*Push-ups 3x25: BW + 45
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