2018 APF/AAPF IL Raw Power Challenge
Speed squats today I was messing around with my stance on a few of them as my back felt funky after Monday and just day to day activity. I applied it to something I was doing while squatting and tested out a few feet positions. After that, it was off to the races on how far I could push my body. The EliteFTS 5 ring bar was loaded up and we were on a lift creating a deficit. The deficit was not the struggle, it was and has been the straight bar. I made it to 615 and knowing what was to follow I stopped there, I know I strained cause I felt it in my eyes.
So here is where my frustration started and ended real quick. We are still testing and tuning this program and the largest issues have always come with choosing the right percentages or band tensions being used on our supplemental movements applying the triphasic principles. In figuring these out I tend to fail on some sets, I did on Monday as well as today from not having enough band tension present to help me. Initially, I got bent out of shape but quickly got called out by Julia and owner for it and realized this was needed in refining this program so it works for people across the board, novice to advanced lifters. I learned for my programming today, I strained, and I got work done without being hurt!
*Squats with chains 8x2: 345
Guys- 4 to 6 chains-
Ladies-2 to 4 chains / no chains-
*Stiff bar Deadlift Off 2” Deficit 1: 615
*Add Light Bands 3x5: 615
*Snatch Grip RDL’s 3x12: 185,225,265
*Leg Press 3x15: 100,1xx, 137
*Yoke Walk Carries 3 trips: Skip