Most of 2015 and all of 2016 has been frustrating in regards to training, work, and personal relationships. So basically 90% of my life. The other dogs...they're great. Well Lily is great. Odi is usually an asshole but he's the cutest bastard I've ever met.

To summarize:

In training for RUM February 2015, RPS Boardwalk Brawl August 2015, and XPC Finals 2016, I pulled my left adductor, left hamstring, and left glute (respectively) all 4-6 weeks out from each meet while squatting. So there is something wrong with my technique, programming, and/or recovery. I'm sure it's a combination of all three, but I'm going to guess it's mostly technique. I'm in the process of breaking down all of my squat videos from the past year to see what went wrong and when it went wrong. I've been consulting with Dave, Bob, and Steve regarding all of this, and during the UGSS I was able to sit down with Dave and come up with a plan.

Before I tell you what he said, I'll give you my thoughts on what I should do about this latest injury. First of all, it's minor. I'm not experiencing much pain and there was no bruising. I trained this past week assuming I would still be competing at the XPC Finals. But if I'm being completely honest, I didn't want to compete. I've been putting band after band aid on my training over the last year and it's getting old. I've dealt with pain. I've dealt with not being 100%. But it started to weigh on me to the point where I didn't even want to train.

So I sat down with Dave and I asked about what he sees as my options...I'll try to make this verbatim but I'm sure I'll forget some things...

Casey- "Dave, what should I do?"

Dave- "What would I do or what should you do?"

C- I know what you would do. You'd compete and tear something.

D- You're damn right I would.

C- So what are my options if I compete?

D- I can give you ten different ways to try to patch up your glute and hamstring, and they'll probably work to get you through the meet. But then you'll be dealing with some extra scar tissue and potentially  could be easier to tear something down the road. Then you're out 6-12-18 weeks depending on the tear and surgery.

C- Well I fully expect to tear something at some point. Not everyone can be Steve Goggins.

D- Then fuck it . Compete.

C-Well I prefer not to tear anything if possible. If it happens, it happens. But I'm not going to compete out of frustration. I know I won't be 100% healthy going into any meet, but I also don't want a 50% chance of tearing something.

D- Now you're catching on.

C- So what do I do?

D- You're not going to like it, but you need to take six weeks off.

C- Ok. So I pull the sled around for six weeks and I keep benching.

D- (Laughing pretty hysterically at this point) Noooooo I mean six weeks OFF. Nothing. Except the elliptical.

C- Are you fucking with me?

D- Think about it this way... We KNOW FOR A FACT that tendons and muscles will fully heal in 6-8 weeks. And your leg is at an 8 or a 9. What if your pec is at a 7 and you keep training on it...then you're looking at taking time off down the road. Get it over with now. Get everything back to zero. Get back to where you were a year ago where you felt unstoppable.

I was sold. I hate it, but I was sold. I spent tonight in the gym helping my training partners. So I'll find a way to stay sane for six weeks.

I'll be back. I'll be healthy. And I'll be going after some records soon. Until then you'll have to read my book reports again. This time..."The Happiness Advantage" if you want to follow along.