Training for the Women's Pro/Am April 14th. Programming by Dave Tate in italics.


  • Warm Up
  • Hanging Leg Raise
  • Reverse Hypers
  • Pull Down Abs
  • Face Pulls
  • Low Rows
  • GHR
  • *2-4 sets (whatever you need)


Someone asked me about the warm ups so i figured I would expound upon them for you, dear reader. 2-4 sets means 2-4 sets of all of the aforementioned exercises. I also might add in an exercise of two if I feel it is warranted (maybe some kickbacks. True story). The amount of warm up exercises has increased over the training cycles and indeed some exercises were even taken out for a newer lifter who was having some recovery issues. So the long and short of it is: the volume has gone up slowly. And the warm ups are modified for individual needs. Warm ups are part of the overall program volume.


  • Good Mornings
  • Work up to 60% of best meet squat for 3 sets of  3


OK HAHA this did not go well it was supposed to be a 300 lb good morning which turned into a like 255 lb good morning which was like a ¾ round back, bent knee, yikes morning. We are just going to gloss over this one.




  • Deadlifts from floor
  • 75% for 3 sets of 5


320 3x5. I put the suit on just to break it in a little and get used to it because it is a new one. And lo and behold my pulls were different than last week. Surprise! I started rolling them towards myself when I was setting up! This is new! What other exciting surprises will be in store for me in the coming weeks? What else will I drastically change a few weeks out? Stay tuned to see! Wowee.


  • Reverse Hyper
  • 7 sets 6 reps
  • + use more weight than last week


6 kilo plates, 25, 2 dimes


  • Bench Press
  • 60% for 5 sets of 5


130 5x5



  • Free Time
  • Whatever you want


I mostly mulled over my dumpster fire mornings.