Tonight’s training brought to you by Bethany. My brain is focused on the World’s right now and all I can think about is getting in my deadlift opener. Too bad I'm getting sick right now. I won’t cancel Kettlebell training though, my team still needs to train. So I put on my coaching hat, sat my butt down and watched the ladies do this crazy session.
Single arm deadlift 10/10
Double Gunslinger x 20
Single arm bell reverse lunge x 10/10
Double seesaw press x 10/10
Single racked bell squat x 10/10
Double Cleans x 20
Complete all moves, rest 1-2 mins then repeat x 3 rounds
Partner training, one does a rep, the other holds bell in overhead position until the other is done their rep. This really works your lockout and is much harder than it looks or sounds.
Snatches 1 min left, 1 min right
Clean & Jerk 1 min left, 1 min right
Jerks or presses 1 min left, 1 min right
One partner swings while the other planks 5 swings left & 5 swings right x 3 rounds
One partner squats while the other planks x 3 rounds
Wow I got tired just watching this, great job ladies and when I’m back from the world’s I’m going to try this.
#teamoutlaws #bellsbybethany #livelearnpasson #teamelitefts #driven