I've been consistent with my soft tissue management. Well... mostly. I know I can always do better on my own, but I've been getting work done regularly with Jason Colley at Performance and Recovery Systems (located in Wheaton, IL).
My main problem areas have been my quads and IT bands, pec/bicep tendon area, teres/rear delt area. Depending on what's going on depends on what Jason works on specifically and what techniques he utilizes.
I felt some shifting in my heavy squats on Monday. Tuesday night my hip felt a little weird, although nothing major. Wednesday my quad and IT band were soooo tight. Rolled it a bunch and it definitely helped.
When I saw Jason on Saturday, we talked about my last couple weeks of training. He did some active release work on my QL (Remember where that's located? Now think about how some pelvic shifting can cause that to tighten up.)
He did some Graston's on my right quad, hitting up high as you can see here:
And also some cupping around the knee cap:
Definitely makes a big difference for me when I'm consistent with it. And the consistency makes it easier each session... meaning Jason can target what needs to be done without my entire body being a mess.
I'm also typically given a few things to do on my own in the meantime to keep things running smoothly.