I’ve got a simple exercise to show you today that I love to use when people have trouble using their lats properly in the Bench Press. An added bonus is that it can improve your bar path too.

I’ve been working with Anderson (the giant in the video) for a few months on his bench press. When he came to me he was big and strong, but lacking in technique. He has a goal of a 600 pound raw bench and I am pretty sure that he will exceed that. We spent a long time with much lighter weights than he was used to moving in order to give him a solid base and comprehension of the technique.

I also introduced him to Conjugate style training.

We used a variety of special exercises to build technique and make it look like he actually knows how to bench instead of looking like a soup sandwich.

Today I am going to give you a Bench Press hack that allows you to learn to use your lats fast.

The lats are critical in the bench press and many just can’t figure out how to get them to do their job.

Enter the Bench with Bands Behind.

I suggest using micro bands for this, you don’t need a lot of tension. Just a dab will do.

After we introduced this, Anderson had a breakthrough on his bench. He locked his lats in and his bar path was dead on after only a few sets.

It will work for you too. Give it a shot.

Click the picture to watch the video.

C.J. Murphy, TPS MethodLearn to Use Your Lats Fast, ; bench press hack;

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C.J. Murphy

November 23, 2021

Total Performance Sports