When you learn something everyday it's called gaining "Knowledge".

When you let go of something everyday it's called "Wisdom".

To know and not to do is not to know.  If you knew you'd do.  But since you didn't you don't know.


It's the OFFICIAL start of the Summer.  YEA!

"Bikini bottoms underneath
But the boys' hearts still skip a beat
When them girls shimmy off
Them ol' cutoffs" ~ Kenny Chesney  "Summertime"


Today's Training:

Tier I

Dynamic Bench: 10x3x185+3 chain clusters per side

OHP: 10x3x95  move it fast

Push Ups: 250 reps in as few sets

Shrugs: 70 reps in as few sets @315

Tricep DEATH:

Stack (3) 25's on each side.

Use the EliteFTS shoulder saver and take a narrow grip with the elbows IN.

Do as many as many reps as you can with 195  leaving ONE rep in the tank.  No one is going to help you get it back into the "J" hook.

Reduce the weight by 50 lbs and do it again

Again, reduce it by another 50 lbs and do it again

Then when there is nothing left, do it with just the bar and see how heavy 45 lbs can actually feel.


Small Mag V bar pulldown: 10x10x140

Neck: 1x25x3.5


Tier II

Hip Extension super set w/ Push ups: 70 reps

Sit ups super set w/ GHR: 70 reps

Suspended Knees to Elbow super set w/ Reverse Hyper: 70 reps

AirDyne w/ band for 15 minutes


Bike Commute: 22 minutes
