There are tons and tons of hip mobility drills to get you moving and feeling better. Some good, some great and some, well, not so great. Today I am giving you My 4 Go To Stretches to Improve Your Hip Mobility Fast.

I want to lead off with a few caveats.


Mobility is a day to day thing and some days you feel great, some not so great and the amount of mobility you need to do varies.


My 4 Go To Stretches to Improve Your Hip Mobility Fast are not for every case. Mobility is highly individual if you have issues or pain. The ones I am giving you today are 4 high bang for the buck movements that will help most people in most situations.


Even if you don’t have mobility issues in your hip, these 4 stretches are an awesome way to stay mobile and speed recovery after training, and improve your longevity.

With that out of the way, here are My 4 Go To Stretches to Improve Your Hip Mobility Fast

External Rotation


Couch Stretch

Squat to Stand

When should you do these?

Great question. If you have super tight hips it’s probably best to do a light warmup to get your core temp up and then do these either in between warm up sets or prior to your main movement.

Depending on how I feel, I like to do them between sets as Active Rest to save time. On days I’m super stiff I might opt to take 10 minutes and do mobility first to help me move better sooner.

But, for the average person who has ok to good mobility, doing them between sets as Active Rest is probably a good starting point. As I said, it saves time and you can see what is working best from set to set.

What about after training?

Also a great idea. When you are done training your body is really warm and mobility will be easier, and it work as an excellent cool down.

How long should I do each one for?

Another great question.

There is some disagreement here from many, but a good starting point is about 60 seconds total time. I really like to go by tolerance at first.

Let’s say that you are holding a static stretch like the Couch Stretch and it is pretty tight and uncomfortable, start off with smaller chunks of time, say 10-15 seconds and try to accumulate about a minute over a few sets.  As you get more mobile you can hold longer.

But Murph, you have two static stretches and two active ones. What about the Shinbox and the Squat to Stand?

I see you were paying attention.  Clearly these are not done for time. They are reps.

I suggest starting off, again, with tolerance. If you can easily go through the movements, go right ahead and do the reps, but do them all WITH PURPOSE! Don’t half ass them.

Be the whole ass.

If you cannot get through the movement well, slow it down, take your time and move as best as you can. Move as far as you can without PAIN. When stretching, my opinion is mild discomfort at most is best for 99% of situations. Being able to relax into a stretch or mobility movement will lead to quicker results.   

When starting the active movements, consistency and purposeful movement along with pain tolerance is more important than sets and reps. There is no magic number. Let’s say that you can barely do two shinboxes without having a good amount of discomfort; is forcing yourself through a predetermined number of reps better than doing as many quality reps as you can?

Easy answer there.

So, if you are tight in the hips, or have a little lower back tightness or just want to be more mobile, add in My 4 Go To Stretches to Improve Your Hip Mobility Fast and watch those issues go away.

Did you miss last week’s log?


C.J. Murphy, TPS Method,; plank, Two Awesome Exercises You Are Not Doing Right Now

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Vincere vel mori

C.J. Murphy

January 20, 2022

Stretches to Improve Your Hip Mobility Fast