A few days ago, @elitefts put a post up about the GHR and it made me decide to write about it this week.
I’m a big idea thief.


Let’s talk about the Glute Ham Raise

It is possibly the greatest exercise on the planet for developing strength and muscle mass in your glutes and hamstrings as we know. What you don’t know is that also develops and strengthens the lumbar (lower back), and it used to be called the Glute/Ham/Gastroc Raise many years ago.
Because it smashes your gastrocnemius too.
There are two basic variations of the GHR.
1. Full Version:
This is where you do a back raise first and then the leg curl, or top portion.
2. The Westside Style as I call it.
This is the type we see in the old Westside VHS videos where you only do the top portion, or the leg curl part.
Both are outstanding, but the Full version hits the hamstring fully.
Dr. Hatfield always said it gave a “unilateral co-contraction of the hamstring at the origin and insertion”.
This means that it is a complete hamstring exercise; you are in hip extension and knee flexion in a very safe and normal movement pattern that is hard a balls if you do it right.
The hamstrings are biarticular muscles which means they act on two joints.

And they have two primary functions:

  • Hip Flexion
  • Knee Extension

So, if this is the only exercise that loads you in both, doesn’t that make it a really good one?
Enough science and big words.
This is also one of the exercises we see done fucking horribly all the time.
Seriously, this is one I see done so poorly we made a lengthy video course on how to do them for you.
Now, I am not knocking people who do them wrong, they usually just don’t know how.
Neither do their online coaches.
But we do. Trust me, I’ve learned from some of the best in the industry and I am giving you this info FREE now.
Instead of telling you all about it, watch these videos.

This is a Course from TPSMethod.com and is one of many that we have on there for exercise technique.
Watch the whole thing and then do what it says and see if you feel a difference.
Maybe have someone film you doing them so you can compare your form to the common mistakes in the video.


Glute Ham Raise:

Everything You Need to Know Part 1



Glute Ham Raise:

Everything You Need to Know Part 2


The next video is where we show you: The Glute Ham Raise: You’re Doing it Wrong


It’s got all of the most common flaws and how to fix them.

Glute Ham Raise:

Everything You Need to Know Part 3



But Murph, I can’t even do one rep.
No worries.
Watch this video for how to do them with bands.





Thanks for reading and watching.
Did you miss last week’s log?

New Toys and New Exercises

Read it here


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Vincere vel mori

C.J. Murphy

August 8, 2019


Total Performance Sports
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