Advice from Dad
Things at the gym are pretty much done. We took this process slow in an effort to do things correctly and thoughtfully. Next week is our grand opening and things are in gear and rolling along. I love working for myself and going to the gym every morning when I decide to roll out of bed. It's an amazing feeling and I would stay there all day and evening if I could.
We have enough operating costs for a year. The plan is to build things slowly and purposefully without a lot of pressure. On a daily basis, different business options or suggestions are presented to us for the gym. We are already forced to evaluate our mission daily and stay true to who we are and what we plan to accomplish. Dave’s constant business insight and articles have drilled that point home to us. It's the best piece of advice to date. However, it does make for some tough decisions along the way.
The opening is scheduled for next week and I spent the last two days wondering, “Now what?” The chaos and exceptionally long days are over, a routine has been established, clients are training with us, but it’s not where I want to be. Not by a long shot. We need a kick start because the slow and methodical approach is testing my patience.
Back in my early days of college at North Dakota State University, my father (who is now passed) came for a visit. I was way too young to be married, broker than I could've ever imagined and my father always made a point of telling me that I was welcome home if things did not work out. Matt, on the other hand, was not. I got his point. Either we finished our education and got our lives together, or I go home alone with my tail tucked between my legs.
When my mom would get emotional and teary at the end of a visit, my dad always pulled me to the side. “I will kick your butt if you EVER move back to Chicago. You have a life to lead and goals to accomplish. Don’t look back, move forward.”
During one of his visits, I was looking through a powerlifting magazine talking about Mattie’s progress with his bench, how his classes were going and sharing my own lifting goals. My dad got very serious, turned to me and said, “I don’t care how much you bench. It doesn’t put food on the table.”
As much as I always loved lifting, I approached it as a hobby. My father’s words have always echoed in the back of my mind and quickly eliminated any thoughts or goals of actually making money from lifting.
The Big Guy and I went away this past weekend to celebrate our anniversary. My mind wandered back to that conversation with my dad. What if he was wrong? Maybe how much you bench CAN put food on the table. Maybe, just maybe, dad didn’t truly understand the desire and need to follow my own dreams.
We are now in a position of relying solely on my income. I am at peace with that. If The Big Guy said to take a leap of faith and quit my job, I would do it without any hesitation or second thoughts. I know where we are headed. I know we will be successful. I know this will be a journey of many business PRs. Through the journey, one can truly live passionately, purposefully and with inner peace and confidence. I do hope this is the one time my dad was wrong.
If you're in the area, stop on by and say hello.