WATCH: The Incident
What is it REALLY like in the elitefts offices? We show you a typical day-in-the-life of Senior Content Manager, Steve Colescott.
The Hidden Strength of elitefts
If you think you have a grasp of the full history of elitefts, then you’ve only heard half of the story.
Important Business Partnership Announcement
Working harder to become the best company in the powerlifting and strength training industry!
The Executive Meathead: Profit Status Means Nothing
Break the superior stereotypes about for profits and not for profits.
Elitefts Roundtable: Owning Your Own Gym
Owning your own gym comes with its ups and downs. See what these team elitefts gym owners think about it.
You Ask, We Answer with Dave Tate (Round 3, Part 2)
I didn’t want a company that was going to be just me.
How I Started a Hardcore Strength and Conditioning Gym in the UK
There are some things that reading and education can’t buy.
Under the Bar: How You Are Being Baited.
Dave discusses the logic behind product promotions and business rankings.
Business: It's Never Easy
Since day one… if it hasn’t been one thing it been two others… I used to say that every small business is only a few months from being “out of business.”
Under the Bar: Three Business Tips that Matter
Dave Tate shares his insight on three common principles that can make, or break, a business.
The MBA Meathead: Strategic Decision-Making
No other concept is used so pervasively and perversely with so little factual support than the ‘S’ word.
Under The Bar: Do You REALLY Follow Through?
Following through IS one of the most important values that is more about how it is implanted than just putting it into practice.
The Executive Meathead: "Those Awful Employees!"
After hearing his answers, my advice to him was to go back to his facility and genuinely thank his employees for working so hard and doing a tremendous job in spite of their staffing difficulties. The answer shocked him.
From Stoners Gym To Competitive Edge Athletic Performance Center: The Fi...
Follow Goodwin’s advice if you ever try to relocate your rack.
Under The Bar: You Have Choices in Life
If you do make time to do these things and implement and execute, the odds of outlasting your competition increases significantly.
The MBA Meathead: The Business Restructuring Cycle
I need to work for a few months on conditioning and tons of accessory work to bring up weaknesses.
Under The Bar: Spine and Balls
No Spine. No Balls. No Business. Good Luck. Now what did I just write?
Strengthening Your Core (Values)
With many great things, the precise point of origin is not always obvious.
Stoners Gym: State of the Gym Update 3
Sooner or later you have to grab the gopher and beat him to a bloody pulp so obstacles don’t set you back.
Under the Bar: Your Business on GH
If you think you are riding one, find a way to kill it or slow it down, but this is for another day.
Meathead Inc. – Prowler® Parenting
After about a half-hour of this sheer craziness, we all found ourselves laying on the front lawn of our new house laughing and talking while attempting to catch our breath.
The MBA Meathead: Hiring, Mentoring and Networking in Doucheville
As always, if anyone has suggestions of what they want to discuss next month, please leave a comment.
The Business by Alwyn Cosgrove and Jason Ferruggia
Over the past year, we have both received tons of emails and phone calls that go something like this: “I have listened to you for a while now and have purchased several products from you. I’ve watched you and your reputation grow.”
The Executive Meathead: Fire the Unhappy People!
This simple philosophy of “firing all the unhappy people” was one of the major reasons why he was so successful.
Brian Schwab's Top 10 Tips on How to Open Your Own Gym
Take the time to put thought into what you’re doing. Good luck!
The MBA Meathead: Make Yourself Valuable
Today, you compete not only against the peers you see every day, but against computers, freelancers and potential replacements on other continents.
The Executive Meathead: Leaning Up, Poster Cultures & Great Books
What we do is too important to waste time on that which is shallow, false or unproductive.
Under The Bar: Looking For More Time
You can either “train” the lifts or “build” the lifts. I’m NOT a fan of training the lift.
Under The Bar: Is Your Pricing Legal?
One very important aspect to understand about pricing is that some strategies are illegal and unethical.
You're Fired: Two Words Every Trainer Should Know
You’re fired—two words that every trainer or coach should learn and not be afraid to use with their clients.
The Executive Meathead: "Gossip Killer," Mini Meatheads and Ch...
When an employee enters your office to complain about a co-worker, make certain that you listen.
Meathead Inc. – Delegate This!
Delegation can be something that you dread, or it can be something that can take your business to the next level.
Meathead Inc. - It Gets Good When It Gets Hard
A regular column about getting strong(er) on the platform, strong(er) in business and strong(er) in life.
Personal Training 101
For many people, having the ability to train people for a living is a dream come true.
Under The Bar: Can Aggression Be Good?
Can aggression be good? Can this serve your training or business in any positive way? If so, how can and should it be used? How often and by whom?
Elitefts Classic: Under the Bar – Attitude
I always felt the “under the bar concept” could carry it own weight. This is because just about every skill needed to be successful in business and life is also needed to be successful “under the bar”
Starting a Powerlifting Club
My father once told me that a good teammate is someone who can carry his own weight and some of yours too when you need him to.
Under the Bar: Are You Ready, I Mean REALLY Ready?
You can be prepared ahead of time and know what to do when the expected changes occurs, as well as when the unexpected happen.
Under The Bar: Three Things that will save your business
I keep a list of questions I ask myself on a weekly and monthly basis. This article will touch on three that can save and grow your business.
Under The Bar: Tips of the Week
You don’t have to negotiate anything you don’t want to and if it is going to kill your profit/productivity/culture then walk.
Accounting For Meatheads Part 3: Sales & Expenses
One very important thing to remember is that the more Joe Gymrat sells, the more taxes he accrues.
Accounting For Meatheads Part 1: The Balance Sheet/Assets
Accounting is boring. It’s a painfully dull, complicated discipline that seems completely unnecessary.
Lessons Learned from a Corporate Meathead
Many of us are not fortunate enough to make a living out of the sport and lifestyle that we love.
Educating Your Personnel for “People Performance”
One of the most difficult challenges in our industry is developing our personnel.
State of the Business
This April 1, 2010, will mark two years since I have moved into my new facility in Weymouth, Massachusetts.