Elitefts™ Director of Education Mark Watts explains a quick shoulder pre-habilitation circuit using the elitefts™ micro mini-bands, mini-bands, and monster mini-bands in the Collegiate Power Rack while Mountain Dog Diet intern Derek Dolgner demonstrates.

This circuit is beneficial to athletes in a team setting due to:

  1. the quick transition time between exercises
  2. the interchangeability of bands
  3. the ability to quickly adjust for multiple attachment heights

The are six exercises performed in this video (two for each band. The specific exercises performed are:

  1. High Position 45 degree External Rotation (crossed bands)
  2. High Position External Rotation
  3. Standing Scarecrows
  4. Reverse Flyes
  5. Face Pulls (crossed bands)
  6. Serrano Press

These six movements address critical components of shoulder stability and deceleration properties of the throwing motion. The combination of transverse/ sagittal plane abduction, external rotation, scapular retraction, and scapular depression all aid in preventative measures for the shoulder, specifically for high velocity movements such as throwing, serving or shooting (lacrosse).

This circuit can be adapted to meet any athletes needs by the following measures:

Band Tension:

  1. Micro Mini-Bands
  2. Mini-Bands
  3. Monster Mini-Bands


  1. Band Position - Height of the Knot
  2. Body Position - Distance from Rack
  3. Hand Position - Specific Grip (thumb up, palms down, etc)

Other movements that can be done with this set up include:

  1. Standing Chest Flye
  2. Standing Chest Press
  3. Facepull/ External Rotation Combo
  4. Facepull/ External Rotation/ Serrano Press Combo
  5. Straight Arm Pull-Down

 Elitefts™ Micro-Mini Bands

Elitefts™ Mini-Bands

Elitefts™ Monster Mini-Bands

Elitefts™ Collegiate Power Rack