In this article, I'll introduce you to a brand new shoulder warm-up drill that we use before any upper body movements at Synergy Strength Systems. This movement is great for warming up the shoulders, traps, and rhomboids. It’s also great for pre-habilitation and rehabilitation depending on the severity of your shoulder issues.

I actually came up with this exercise by accident. A client was extremely late and I had to get his shoulders warmed up quickly. I guess you could say it can be done when you’re short on time. The only thing you need for this is a mini-band. sells the bands in their online store.

Here's how the warm up should go:

  1. Mini-band pull aparts, 3 X 12–15
  2. Mini-band shoulder dislocations, 3 X 10–12
  3. Shoulder tornados, 3–4 revolutions

I've included an instructional video below. When you do these, make sure you keep constant tension on the band. Feel free to leave any comments or questions you may have.

Shoulder tornado