Well, I've been laying low for a few weeks for a reason. Originally I was supposed to do the Europa Superlifting contest this weekend for reps, but Gene Rychlak told me at IPA Worlds a month ago it was being canceled due to a lack of entries. Everyone must have been scared of me. Either that or nobody wanted to fly to Connecticut to lift. I choose to believe the earlier reason. I was cool with that. I was spent from making and competing in the 242's anyway.
So two weeks ago it dawned on me that I could simply compete in the CT meet. I've been hovering around the low 270's, so I figured I could hit a 275 pound number. I wanted an 800 pound bench at 275 and took it for my opener. It was shaky and I had to grind a bit, but I got it. I took 830 for an IPA World Record on my second. I got hung up and did not touch. I took it again for a third and gave it a push, but was too out of gas to finish.
Competing twice within a month at the ripe old age of 41 was tough on me. Especially with the past cut. I'm glad I got the 800. It was a great meet and ended up being a cash event so I walked away with some nice prize money. I have tons to say, but I'm spent so check out my log in the next few days for a worthy write up. Here's a video for now:
Complete Write-Up
To start, I did not plan on competing, but got the itch a few weeks ago. I put the shirt on once between this meet and the IPA Worlds last month. I just got this crazy notion in my head to hit a 275 lift that would put me in the current top ten rankings. It would give me a top ten ranking in four different weight classes within one year's time. Well, I did it. I got my opener of 800 at 275. I had a near miss at 830, but that and more will come in the future. I think I've found a good temporary home in the 275's.
Everyone in our crew hit PRs. Rhodes hit a deadlift PR of 760 pounds and put up a better total than he had a few months ago in Rhode Island. He's been very banged up and has had a lot of crap going on in his life. I'm proud of what he was able to accomplish. Karsten (DD) walked away with a bunch of PRs and even showboated on his last pull. It was classic DD. Josh broke 2k and totaled IPA Elite. Well done JBone. Bri got the 500 monkey off his back with a 505 bench. It was about time. He was also a close second in the bench-only division. Had he just slapped on another 300 pounds on the bar, he would have beaten me. Sorry B-ri, I just couldn't help myself.
None of this could've been done without a lot of help. We don't usually all compete together like this. Drew busted his butt all day helping. Cristin was there also. She is learning the ropes of how to help. I give her credit. It's not easy dealing with a bunch of amped-up powerlifters jumping down her throat. My advice is to get yourself a little testicular fortitude. Matt's boys, Steve and Kevin, came down from Massachusetts to assist. Kevin is super hostile and Steve has great pictures on his phone, enough said. Rob Tonini, one of the guys from the old Southside showed up and helped big-time. He saved Drew from fumbling knee wraps with his mini-me hands. Last, but certainly not least was big "Tee" Robert McCray. He spotted, loaded, lifted off...and just plain looked magnificent. Thanks to all.
This was the fourth IPA meet I've done in a row. Gene and Ame Rychlak run awesome meets. The equipment is second to none. They're timely and consistent. You can't ask for anything more than that. I'm so grateful that I don't have to trek across the US to compete in well-run contests. They even surprised us with some cash prizes. Now that was the icing on the cake. Thanks to all the spotters and loaders, it's the most thankless thing done at a meet, and we couldn't lift without them. Make sure to shake their hands and thank them at your next meet. I also have to mention the judging quality. I was glad to see guys like Gene, Chuck Scherza, and Carl Seeker on the platform judging. These guys have been around the sport a long time. You know you aren't getting an easy lift when they're in the chair, but you do know that the judging will be consistent and you can be proud of your lift.
I have to talk about the venue for a moment. The meet was part of the Europa and it was spectacular. There were tons of things going on and powerlifting drew a damn fine crowd. I got to see lots of old friends and make some new ones. I'd start bringing up names, but then this post would end up being ten pages long. I do, however, have to mention one name, John Inzer. For those that do not know, I was an Inzer guy for years before I made the move to Elite. I spoke to John before I did so and we parted ways on good terms. I still consider John a friend in the sport and respect him greatly. Well, I didn't know it, but he was at the show. He was actually one of the first people to come up and congratulate me on my lift. That was cool. Oops, I do have to give one more shout out. Thanks to the peeps from work who came, especially Kathy and her beautiful family. I know you check out my log girl, thanks from coming. Heck, we can hardly get family to show up to these things let along a work colleague.
Now I have to mention the other great people. First and foremost, my wife. She is the love of my life and an incredible enabler. She cooks my meals, tells me to do the right things like get to bed, contrast shower, to be positive, etc. I have accomplished a lot in the past year and owe a great deal of it to her. Thanks to our crew. They are not just partners, but friends. I can't leave out my extended cyber family. I keep pretty good contact (well, what I consider good contact) with guys like Rob Luyando, Joey Smith and Travis Bell. They are all very supportive. Thanks to Chris and Daniel with AtLargeNutrition and WannaBeBig and of course Jim and Dave with EliteFTS. Helpful sponsors certainly make it easier to do what we do.
My lifting has been and will continue to be a tribute to my beloved brother Sammy.
Here are my lifts within the past year. I'm current top ten in four weight classes:
- 605 raw at SHW on 8/22/10 - Current Rank 2
- 820 multi-ply at 308 on 1/20/10 - Current Rank 6
- 730 multi-ply at 242 on 6/26/10 - Current Rank 7
- 800 multi-ply at 275 on 7/24/10 - Will be Ranked 7