Thulsa Doom: Ah, it must have been when I was younger. There was a time, boy, when I searched for steel, when steel meant more to me than gold or jewels.


Conan: The riddle…of steel.


Thulsa Doom: Yes! You know what it is, don't you boy? Shall I tell you? It's the least I can do. Steel isn't strong, boy. Flesh is stronger! Look around you. There, on the rocks, a beautiful girl. Come to me, my child...


[Coaxes the girl to jump to her death.]


Thulsa Doom: That is strength, boy! That is power! What is steel compared to the hand that wields it? Look at the strength in your body, the desire in your heart. I gave you this!


—from Conan the Barbarian

As Conan slashes his way to revenge, we learn two universal truths via his character arc/journey—a man is in complete control of the weapons he commands and a man's spirit is far more powerful than any weapons he stands against. That's why two were able to stand against many in the final battle scene. Conan didn't need Crom. He only needed his sword, some personal accountability for making his own destiny, and belief in himself. With that realization, he fearlessly jumps into battle and conquers his enemies with a warrior's fury, despite the seemingly insurmountable odds. This lesson can be applied to all things.

Yes, I have seen that movie a hundred times. And yes, my wife does complain whenever it is on TV and I have to watch it again. Do I understand that others may potentially find it sad or pathetic that I've learned important life lessons from fictional characters? Yes. Do I care? Not really.

Whatever can motivate you and help you become a better athlete—or man/woman in general—is valuable regardless of the source. And Red Sonja motivated me for other reasons, but that is another story for another time…

In Conan's world, it was the riddle of steel. In our world, it is the riddle of iron. What is the answer to the riddle? The twofold answer is the same as what Conan discovered:

1. A man is in complete control of the weapons he commands. You can use the iron for whatever you desire—to get stronger, bigger, or shredded; to rehabilitate an injury or let out some aggression; for personal sanity in a chaotic life; or for everything and anything in between. Don't let others try to dictate to you what the right way is or push their personal goals on to you. Don't follow the trends or conventions if you don't believe in them.

Training needs to be a personal, individualized endeavor. Simply identify your personal goals at this moment in time whatever they may be and regardless of what anyone else thinks (especially society). Find the right coach/mentor (there are a variety of experts at Elite FTS) and commit 100 percent to an appropriately designed program.

2. A man's spirit is far more powerful than any weapons he stands against. A spiritless man/woman may crumble before plastic-coated, pink weights. But no bar, no matter how many plates or pounds are loaded on to it, is any match for a real man/woman. Attack your training with confidence, not with fear.

Borrowing from another warrior culture—the samurai—remember this: "No matter what it is, there is nothing that cannot be done. If one manifests the determination, he can move heaven and earth as he pleases." –Hagakure.

Contemplate this—not on the tree of woe—but the next time you are on the lifting platform. Until next time, crush your enemies—the squats, deadlifts, and presses that stand before you.