Why Team elitefts™?

I can't recall when I became a member of the team, but I've been around for a little while. I'll never forget the first time I met Dave and Jim. They were bigger than life. I was already an accomplished lifter, but something always felt like it was missing.

Boston Seminar

At a seminar in Boston, Dave interviewed me for the elitefts™ YouTube channel. I know it sounds hardly like a big deal, but I was honored. Dave actually mentioned something like, "I don't know why he's not sponsored by us..." I happened to be sponsored by another company at the time. However, I was flattered and I saw my "in." Of course, I knew my numbers should be good enough to get in, but you never know. It's kind of like how I was with my wife for around 15 years before I asked her to marry me. I felt like I had a good shot, but you don't know until you actually put it out there.

Sometime later, Rhodes who was already sponsored, and I made a pilgrimage to an Underground Strength Session at the elitefts™ compound. After hanging and training with the team members for just a few minutes, I knew where I belonged. I walked up to Dave, still somewhat nervous and asked if he'd be interested in sponsoring me. Dave said I was in. Sorry, I did not have to go through some long interview process as many do now. Also, I know Rhodes thinks I only got in because of him. Shhh...we'll let him keep thinking that.

Live. Learn. Pass on.

Within a short time after posting my first log, that missing piece in my lifting was filled. Being able to help others, while promoting myself is such a great feeling. The motto of "Live, Learn, Pass On" is truly how elitefts™ functions. This place takes us from training to charity, and a lot of places in between. It is a true haven for those who have iron coursing through their veins.

I was fortunate enough to win a bench exhibition a couple weeks ago. I quickly jumped on my phone to text some of my elitefts™ teammates. I was quickly bombarded with congratulations messages shortly after. The next thing I know, Brian is offering me some well-needed advice. Hannah is sending me a "congrats" in my log. Joey and Josh are posting in their logs about my win. Our newest teammate, Marshall, sent me a very motivational video on Facebook. It could not have depicted the emotion I was feeling any better.

I really feel as though I'm friends with everyone here. Through the years, I had positive interactions with all of you from this site. I'd be typing forever if I mentioned all of you who have effected me. Thank you to each of you.

Oh yeah, I don't want to leave out that I hit all my best benches in Metal shirts now. I'm glad I made the right choice and never looked back.