What is "Conjugphasic"? Christian Anto explains the hows and whys this system for size and strength and gains in his athletes, and how YOU can implement it and make some SERIOUS gains.

Conjuphasic programming:
Eccentrics Phase
Week 1 Day 1 Heavy Lower
*Cambered Bar Max 3:
*Drop Weight 30% then 3x5 + 5 second negative

Week 1 Day 2 Heavy Upper
*Incline American Cambered Bar Max 3:
*Drop weight 25% male - 20% female 3x5 + 5 second negative:

Week 2 Day 1 Heavy Lower
*Spider Bar + Chains Max 2:
*Drop Weight 30% AND DROP 1 SET OF CHAINS 3x5 with 5 second negative*

Week 2 Day 2 Heavy Upper
*Duffalo Bar or American Cambered DEFICIT+ Floor Press + chains Max 2:
*Drop weight 25% male - 20% female AND DROP 1 set of CHAINS then 3x5 + 5 second negative:

Week 3 Day 1 Heavy Lower
*SSB + Double Bands Max Single:
*Drop Weight 30% And DROP down band size then 3x5 with 5 second negative:

Week 3 Day 2 Heavy Upper
*1 board, close grip + Double Bands MAX SINGLE:
*Drop weight 25% male - 20% female And DROP down band size then 3x5 + 5 second negative:

Iso Phase
Week 1 Day 1 Heavy Lower
*SSB - Box - Max 3:
*Drop Weight 30% then 3x5 with 3 second Hold:

Week 1 Day 2 Heavy Upper
*Duffalo Bar - Max 3:
*Drop weight 25% - male 20% - Female 3x5 + 3 second Hold:

Week 2 Day 1 Heavy Lower
*SSB - 4 - 6 Chains Max 2:
*Drop Weight 30% DROP 1 SET OF CHAINS 3x5 with 3 second PAUSE:

Week 2 Day 2 Heavy Upper
*Duffalo Bar - 1 board + 4 chains Max 2:
*Drop weight 25% - male 20% - Female DROP 1 SET OF CHAINS then 3x5 + 3 second pause:

Week 3 Day 1 Heavy Lower
*Cambered Bar - Box - Double LIGHT Bands - Max Single:
*Drop Weight 30% DROP BAND COLOR then 3x5 with 3 second Pause:

Week 3 Day 2 Heavy Upper
*Axle Bar - Double Green MAX SINGLE:
*Drop weight 25% - male 20% - Female DROP BAND COLOR then 3x5 + 3 second Pause:

Concentric Phase
Week 1 Day 1 Heavy Lower
*Squats + wraps + all Chains Max 1:
*DROP Chains and 30% keep WRAPS 3x5:

Week 1 Day 2 Heavy Upper
*Bench + 40-80 in chains depending on skill level Max 1:
*Drop 1 set of chains AND 25%-male 20%-female then 3x5:

Week 2 Day 1 Heavy Lower
*Squats + wraps + all Chains Max 2:
*DROP Chains and 30% KEEP WRAPS 3x5:

Week 2 Day 2 Heavy Upper
*Bench + 40-80 in chains depending on skill level Max 2:
*Drop 1 set of chains AND 25%-male 20%-female then 3x5:

Week 3 Day 1 Heavy Lower
*Squat + Wraps (if you use them) 3RM: NOT MISSES
*no down sets all other accessories

Week 3 Day 2 Heavy Upper
*Bench Max 3: NOT MISS
*NO DOWN SETS all other accessories

Read the Conjuphasic article Christian wrote for elitefts HERE