Programming and Organization of Training

Programming and Organization of Training

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Program and Organization of Training by Verkhoshansky: This is another great translated text by Verkhoshansky. This book is packed full of great training information that Louie Simmons has implemented with his athletes of Westside Barbell. 

This is another manual that has to be part of every strength library. Verkhoshansky is on the greatest minds in strength training. and hiis writings are as important and influencial as any coach in the world. This is incredible information for all coaches and athletes.

Table of Contents includes:

  • Theoretical – methodical attempts at programming and organization of training
  • Classification of sports
  • General regularities of the athletes adaptation to intense muscular work
  • Structure of special physical preparedness
  • Characteristics of the training load and its effects
  • Factors and conditions of determining the training effect
  • The contents of loading
  • Fundamental model systems of constructing training in the year cycle
  • Training models for various sporting athletes
  • Managing the course of training
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