Training and Competition
Training and Competition
It is crucial to delineate these training and competition as separate but mutually impactful things. I’d wager that the majority of lifters who had a bad meet were doing a whole bunch of competition in training, leading up to the actual competition.
Coaching Is More Than Just Programming
Coaching Is More Than Just Programming
Your clients are all looking for a combination of guidance, accountability, and a relationship with a coach. It’s your job to figure out which of the three they need and how to best deliver it.
Credibility or Accountability — What Drives Your Organization's Success?
Credibility or Accountability — What Drives Your Organization's Suc...
After 15 years of executive leadership riddled with countless mistakes and faulty approaches, I have come to passionately believe that leadership focused on credibility rather than accountability is the more effective approach to take.
Keep Me Accountable
Keep Me Accountable
Use these tools to hold yourself accountable. My hope is that you can use these ideas to take the helm of your own affairs in training, business, and your personal life.
Beginners and the Accountability Weakness
Beginners and the Accountability Weakness
Early in your powerlifting journey, this is the only weak point you need to concern yourself with.
Mental Health and the Strength Athlete: Building A Better Training Program
Mental Health and the Strength Athlete: Building A Better Training Program
When building an effective training program, you must consider each variable that influences your performance — including the stressors that affect your mental health.
Run the Plan
Run the Plan
Have a plan. That’s it? Well, that’s a start.
Choices and Accountability
Choices and Accountability
Your life and your future are yours and yours alone. It’s going to be difficult, but the sooner you take responsibility and stop blaming others for your misfortune, the better your life will be.
3 Ways to Help You Stay On Your Diet
3 Ways to Help You Stay On Your Diet
These simple tips will keep you on the path to your dream physique.
Are You Playing the Blame Game in Education and Athletics?
Are You Playing the Blame Game in Education and Athletics?
A culture shift has robbed us of personal accountability. It’s time for a change.
Do You Have The Truman Factor?
Do You Have The Truman Factor?
Little known fact: despite those whole "atomic bomb incidents," Truman deadlifted sumo.
Under The Bar: Do You REALLY Follow Through?
Under The Bar: Do You REALLY Follow Through?
Following through IS one of the most important values that is more about how it is implanted than just putting it into practice.

12 Item(s)